Using the right tools with your outdoor electric grill makes cooking more efficient and enjoyable. You are probably aware of the most common grilling tools. However, some may not be as obvious or seem unnecessary. The grill tools described here are worthy of consideration for preparing your electric grill recipes. As with other elements, the Balcony Grilled approach to outdoor electric grill tools is to try not to buy gadgets that have only one use unless it greatly improves the experience.
Sheet Pans

When preparing food to grill, it is good to have some space to work on. And while grilling, you tend to make several trips back and forth to the kitchen. To make both more convenient, use metal sheet pans. For smaller grills and amounts of food, a quarter sheet pan may be sufficient. Use a half sheet pan for larger amounts. You will be able to prep your food on the sheet pan and then carry it to the grill. No more multiple trips or balancing multiple plates. I tend to use a platter or cutting board when I remove food from the grill since I am going to serve or cut it. If you do use a sheet pan that held uncooked meat, be sure to wash it with soap and hot water and dry it thoroughly before using it for the cooked food.
Long Grill Tongs

One of the must-have outdoor electric grill tools is long grill tongs. You may be tempted to use the shorter ones you use in the kitchen. The shorter tongs will only work well for turning smaller foods that don’t stick to the grill, such as hot dogs and sausages.
For larger foods, you will be happier if you get tongs that are around 16″ long and flat at the end. The longer reach allows you to pick up and turn over larger foods that may be between other foods in the middle and back of the grill. A lot of foods will tend to stick to the grill a little. The flat ends of the tongs allow you to reach under the middle of the food to lift it away from the grill. I do not recommend using a fork to turn food because you don’t get a great hold on food with a fork. Also, piercing food as it cooks leaves holes that juices can run out of leaving it less moist.
Long Grill Turner

Another must-have grill tool is a long, wide grill turner. A shorter turner will work to flip burgers, but a long grill turner has a longer reach and more utility. The turner that’s around 16″ long and 4″ wide allows you to get completely under longer and more delicate pieces of food, such as fish. By getting under all of a piece of food when you lift it, you reduce the chance of the food breaking apart. A long, wide grill turner is also useful for turning and lifting a wood grilling plank.
Silicone Basting Brush

A good quality silicone basting brush is a must-have grill tool for basting and saucing foods on your outdoor electric grill. A silicone brush keeps its shape better than a bristle basting brush and the sauce or liquid transfers from the silicone to the food more consistently. Silicone brushes also clean up easily.
Oil Spray Bottle

An oil spray bottle may be considered a nice-to-have but is a worthy addition to your grilling toolset. Using a spray bottle to apply oil to food before grilling is quick, provides a consistent amount, and eliminates the excess and clean-up of using a brush. In addition to grilling, it is an extremely convenient way to apply oil in many cooking situations, such as when you bake, saute, and air-fry foods. Because of the convenience, I keep canola oil in one and extra-virgin olive oil in another. If you use an aerosol cooking spray, stop! It will leave a brown, sticky residue on your pans over time. Spray a little oil instead.
Grill Glove

Keeping a grill glove handy is a really smart idea. Sometimes there is a hot item on the grill that you need to move or pick up and just grabbing it is the best option. If you follow the instructions in these articles you shouldn’t need it to handle the metal smoker tube or a wood plank. I primarily use one for turning metal skewers which alone makes it worth having.
Stainless Steel Grill Skewers
Skewers are the best grill tool for grilling certain foods, such as shish kabobs, shrimp, sliced vegetables. A grill basket can be used but does not evenly expose the food to the heat and smoke and takes effort to clean.

Stainless steel skewers do not have to be soaked before use as wood ones do and they conduct heat to the center of the food. These are flat (as opposed to round or square) so that the pieces of food do not spin on them. In addition to long, single post skewers, there are also raft skewers with two prongs. Raft skewers work well for holding larger items, such as sliced squash, sliced onion, or asparagus. When you turn either type of skewer, all of the food turns without having to be pressed tightly together. The long skewer holder shown is also used to slide the cooked food off the skewer. The skewers are as easy to clean as any other stainless steel utensil. Even though the skewers may be a little long for your outdoor electric grill and don’t allow the lid to close all the way when turned sideways, your food will still cook great on them.
Mop Spray Bottle

A mop is a liquid applied while grilling or smoking food. A mop can be applied with a brush, but a food-grade spray bottle is often preferred. The one shown here is a glass bottle with a sprayer that emits a mist. A mist, as opposed to a heavy spray, coats the food without disturbing other seasonings on it. A mist also allows for a good level of control of the amount applied and allows the food to be coated evenly.