Wood Pellet Smoker Tube
After your grill is seasoned and has been used several times, it will provide some grill flavor. To ramp up the grill flavor profile, add smoke to your creations with a wood pellet smoker tube. I have found this method to be much easier and more consistent than using wood chips in a smoker box on an electric (or any) grill.
Wrapping wood chips in aluminum foil or placing them in a smoker box on a gas or electric grill often results in limited, inconsistent success. A better method is wood pellets in a perforated metal box. For larger grills, an A-Maze-N Smokin’ Products Smoker Maze is a good product. However, the maze would take up too much precious real estate on an electric grill. So, an excellent choice is the A-Maze-N Smoker Tube.

Wood pellets provide a very consistent amount and duration of smoke. You do not soak the wood pellets as you typically have to do when using wood chips on a grill.
Note that the item used in the Balcony Grilled recipes is the 7” expandable tube. Because it is expandable but not extended, it is double-walled. The 6″ single-wall tube should work much the same way.
Distributing the Wood Pellets
You do not need to use an open flame to get the pellets to smoke. With a good outdoor electric grill, pellets will start to smolder and smoke while the grill is preheating. If you are using a smaller number of pellets, shake the tube to distribute them into a single layer.

If you are using a larger amount, distribute the pellets such that they are in a single layer as much as possible or at least evenly distributed. Once the grill is preheated and the wood pellets are smoking, try not to move the smoker tube or disturb the pellets too much as it can disrupt their smoking.
Given the small, enclosed space of the grill, it does not take a lot of pellets in the electric grill smoker tube to add flavor. See Outdoor Electric Grill Smoke for more info on cooking with smoke on your electric grill.